What are Exosomes?

What are Exosomes?

Let’s simplify the concept for everyone. Remember a little detail from our high school biology classes: we all start from one tiny tiny cell. This cell divides through mitosis divisions, and that’s how we grow. In other words, all our cells are like twin siblings, constantly communicating and helping each other. It’s not just about growing; cells live collaboratively, they share proteins, lipids, vitamins, and ribonucleic acids to heal and find the supply balance.

So, what facilitates this communication? The answer is exosomes. Exosomes are the messengers that help cells communicate and assist each other.

Our bodies are programmed to regenerate and heal themselves via exosomes. When you notice a small acne or a scar on your body and think, “It will go away by itself,” what’s actually happening is that cells are healing their damaged siblings through exosomes by sharing their collagen, protein, and vitamins.

Exosome Level Varies by Age, Gender, and Part of Our Bodies

However, the activity level of exosomes is not the same for everyone; it varies with age and in different parts of our bodies. According to BMC, pregnant women have more than twice the exosomes compared to non-pregnant women. Additionally, children and teens have higher exosome levels than adults. The concentration of exosomes can differ based on the tissue type, physiological state, and specific conditions of the person, however, we can find them in all types of body fluids. In general plasma, semen, breast milk, bone marrow, and blood are rich sources of exosomes.

Trick Your cells into Acting Young Again

Cosmetic industry scientists are working on using exosomes as ingredients in skincare products. If stem cells in our bodies reach the exosome levels of teens, fine lines, wrinkles, and pores will start to heal and disappear because your cells will start to behave as they did when they were younger. This is the natural healing magic of our bodies, not just the magic of cosmetic companies. If we support our stem cells with exosomes, it’s not surprising to have brighter, younger, and firmer skin. This is a new era for regenerative skincare. With the support of exosomes, our tissue can regenerate itself.

Products with Exosomes

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Currently, exosome usage is not widespread, and research is still ongoing. However, there are some brands offering products with exosomes as an ingredient, and these products are definitely not cheap.

Here are some of the products:

Angela Caglia – Cell Forté Serum | Peptides | Exosomes

Intense Serum by Plated Skin Science

SŌM Skin’s Rejuvenate & Fill Microneedle Patches

ELEVAI enfinity – THE Daily Exosome Serum

Exoso-Metic Face Serum by Dr. Barbara Sturm

Exo-Skin Exosome Serum by Dp Derm


There is a potential concern regarding the source of exosomes, so it’s important to question where they are sourced from. Other than this concern, exosomes are an incredible ingredient that brings out the natural recovery power of our bodies. This ingredient has the potential to be one of the best ingredients for skincare, especially in anti-aging products, and could open more locked doors for longevity. With ongoing research and careful consideration of their sources, exosomes could revolutionize skincare and regenerative medicine in the near future.

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